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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

3 Foolproof Ways To Outsmart Your Competition

 3 Foolproof Ways To Outsmart Your Competition

unconventional marketing methods, hidden markets

It's difficult to reach your buisness goals if you don't have the right materials and/or the information to help your buisness reach the success it's capable of.  These three helpful sugestions will boost your buisness to new levels.

Let's face it...competition is here to stay.  There will always be someone waiting in the wings to woo your customers away from you and into their realm.  Yeah, you're always going to have to be on the lookout for new ways to outdo the competition, but there are 3 ways you can minimize the impact they have on your business.

1. Implement Unconventional Marketing Strategies

Standing out from the crowd is sometimes hard to do with so many businesses mimicking the marketing campaigns of their competitors.  Sure, we all want to be successful, and when we see others using a method and prospering there's an urge to jump on the band wagon and enjoy the same success.

Rather than joining the pack, look for ways to advertise that no one else is using. Internet marketing is a good example.  Most Internet marketers use guessed it the Internet to market their products.  Why not get high impact postcards printed and use them to direct people to your Website?  Hey, no one else is doing it!

2. Discover Hidden Markets

Your competitors are missing out on something!  Dig around until you discover what it is, and get a corner on that market niche.  Once you've discovered your secret gold mine, revise your sales copy, and Website to address the specific market you've uncovered.

If you're a Multi Level Marketing representative you might want to consider the following niches.

" Employees:  The freedom that comes with being your own boss is a dream that many employees hope for, but never experience.  Go ahead...let them know that dreams do come true...there's an opportunity to be their own boss waiting just for them.
" Stay-at-home Moms:  Most stay at home Moms are sacrificing finances for the well-being of their children.  They would jump at the chance to raise their children and make a little money too.
" Retirees:  What does the future hold for someone looking at retirement?  It could be that there is a lot of spark, and dreams still pulsing inside...and now...they'll have the time to invest their long time dreams!

3. Become the Expert

We all respect the opinions and insight of someone who really knows a subject inside and out.  Yeah, take the time to research, get to know all of the ins and outs of your product...then emphasize it in your marketing campaign.  True knowledge can't be aped.  Consumers will know who the expert is.  

You don't have to put all of your eggs in one basket to zero in on one product, but you can emphasize your expertise in one area.  Remember that people often expect to pay more for expert advice! You may want to raise your price a little bit, get testimonials, and find another expert to endorse you.  

You don't have to let the competition get one over on you when you position yourself for success!

unconventional marketing methods, hidden markets

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